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(总分100, 做题时间120分钟)

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[1-20] Listening: 20%(听力,20分)

Section A
Directions:Listen to the following dialogue and choose the correct word or words to fill each gap from A,B,C or D. This section accounts for 5 points.
Mary: Excuse me. Could you pass me a plate?
Alex: Sure. You’re Mary Young, aren’t you?
Mary: Yes, I am.
Alex: I thought so. You probably won’t remember me, but I came for an interview for   1   with you about three years ago.
Mary: Yes, Alex Schein, isn’t it?
Alex: That’s right.
Mary: I seem to remember that one of your hobbies was photography. It was a real passion.
Alex: You do have a good memory.
Mary: So what happened? We offered you a job, but you went to work for   2   —Deutsche Bank, I seem to remember.
Alex: The conditions they gave me were better, I’m sorry to say.
Mary: I can understand that. So, are you still working there?
Alex: No, I have given up banking   3   . I worked for Deutsche Bank for a little more than two years, but I didn’t really like the job. There was too much competition among the employees, and I didn’t really like that.
Mary: Well, sometimes you have to be competitive if you want to make progress.
Alex: I know, but it wasn’t for me.
Mary: So, what do you do now?
Alex: I have become a   4   photographer.
Mary: You know, that doesn’t surprise me. Are you in any particular sector?
Alex: I take portrait photos. I’ve just bought a studio, and I’m creating a library of photos, which I’m going to publish on my website.
Mary: You must give me your web address.
Alex: Better than that. I can give you my business card. And what about you? Are you still in human resources?
Mary: Yes, I am. I’ve moved to the head office, and I’m the manager there. So now I’m even busier   5   .
A an accountant job
B an accounting job
C an account job
D an accountancy job
A one of our competitors
B our competitors
C one of our competitions 
D one competitor
A together 
B altogether 
C at once
D totally
A professor   
B profession
C perfect  
D professional
A then  
B than never 
C than ever 
D than now
Section B
Directions:Listen to the following passage and choose the correct word or words to fill each gap from A,B,C or D. This section accounts for 5 points.
    Small is beautiful. That, at least, is the conclusion of new research   6   how satisfied secretaries are in different sized firms. “We have found that people who work for small or medium-sized companies work harder and are   7   ,” says David Smith, author of one of the latest studies in this field. “The smaller the environment, the bigger the part you play as an individual, and the more people notice your absence.”

    This will come as a surprise to many secretaries. Some recruitment agencies said that secretaries are keen to get positions in the bigger companies. However, smaller companies can be more flexible when it comes to working hours, and have better working conditions. But working for a smaller firm is   8   . Career development in the form of courses can be limited, but, on the other hand, employees often feel that they can learn more on the job.

    In fact, opportunities for promotion are the same   9   . Smith also says: “Our research shows that in a company with fewer than 50 people, employers can actually see what their employees are producing and then give them bonuses  10  .”
A examine   
B  examining 
C  to examine
D examination
A more commit   
B much committed 
C more committed
D more committee
A not without its disadvantages
B without its advantages
C not without its advantages 
D without its disadvantages
A  whichever the size of the company
B whatever the site of the company 
C what the site of the company
D whatever the size of the company
A  is appropriate   
B as appropriate
C as appropriately 
D appropriate
Section C
Directions:Listen to the tape and choose the correct translation for each of the sentences. This section accounts for 10 points.
A 现报价如下:
B 兹报实盘如下:
C 现还盘如下:
A 你方如需要其他资料,请尽管与我方联系。
B 你方如还有问题,请尽管告知我方。
C 你方如需其他产品,请尽管告诉我方。
A 很遗憾,你方价格偏高。
B 很遗憾,你方开价偏低。
C 很遗憾,你方产品太差。
A 请告知,你方是否能接受付款交单这个付款方式?
B 请告知,你方是否能接受即期信用证这个付款方式?
C 请告知,你方是否能接受承兑交单这个付款方式?
A 我方经营的所有产品价格公道,做工考究。
B 我公司经营的台布物美价廉,工艺精湛。
C 我公司出口各种布料,物美价廉。
A 我方欲购办公家具。
B 我方销售办公家具。
C 我方生产办公家具。
A 我们的包装很牢固。
B 我方包装很结实。
C 我方包装适合海运。
A 我们在全国各地有很多食品公司。
B 我们的食品远销全国各地。
C 本公司与全国各地的食品公司有广泛的联系。
A 你方订单已经执行。
B 你方订货已由东风轮运出。
C 我方已在东风轮上订好舱位。
A 我们做买卖是为了获取利润。
B 我们只做有利润的买卖。
C 我们是薄利经营。
[21-35] Choose the best answer for each of the following questions: 15% (单选题,15分)
We are well connected _______ in Europe.
A to many branches 
B with good relations   
C with leading importers 
D representing importers
For your information, goods will be shipped _______ 30 days after receipt of L/C.
A within
B in
C on 
D at 
We would suggest _______ your Shanghai Branch Office to meet your requirement.
A you to approach 
B you approaching  
C you approach 
D your approach
We have been buying Walnutmeat from local commission houses who _______ send us quotations regularly.
A used to
B use to
C are used to 
D is used to
Prices of stainless steel _______ steeply since May.
A rose 
B have risen
C rise 
D has risen
Meanwhile we confirm _______ you the following Telex of today’s date.
A to send
B send 
C having sent 
D to have sent
Had we known your specific requirements, we _______ you a firm offer.
A will fax
B fax 
C have faxed
D would have faxed
We are pleased to confirm the e-mails _______ us as per copies attached.
A exchanged between 
B exchange between
C exchanges between
D having exchanged between
We have the pleasure _______ you a quotation on “Butterfly” Brand Sewing Machine.
A in sending 
B of sending 
C having sent
D being sent
We _______ business on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.
A do
B make
C effect 
D book
Please _______ the best possible firm offer CIF Hamburg for 1000 tons Walnut meat.
A quote
B make
C effect
D execute
All your orders have been _______ within the contracted time limit.
A done 
B executed
C effected
D made
Please _______ insurance on your side.
A effect 
B make
C do
D take
The buyers are _______£310 per ton for this product.
A offering 
B quoting 
C requesting 
D bidding
Metal handles should be fixed to the boxes to _______ carrying.
A make
B convenience 
C easy 
D facilitate
[36-45] Identify the ONE error contained in each of the following sentences: 10%(找出错误,10分)
A  B  C  D  
A  B  C  D  
A  B  C  D  
A  B  C  D  
A  B  C  D  
A  B  C  D  
A  B  C  D  
A  B  C  D  
A  B  C  D  
A  B  C  D  
[46-60] Reading Comprehension: 15% (阅读下列短文并选出一个正确的答案,15分)
                                                   Passage 1  Enjoying your Career
    “My business is my hobby,” someone tells you. “I wish I could make a living from my hobby,” you may think. “It sounds ideal.”

    Yet according to Sue Cole, a management expert, there can be both advantages and disadvantages for those who combine their hobby with their career. “There’s a real possibility that your hobby becomes less attractive when it’s your job. But also quite a few people who make their hobby their career become too enthusiastic and forget about the basic principles of business,” she says. “For example, someone may think: I love cooking. There aren’t enough restaurants in this area. I’ll start one up.” And they go ahead without establishing how many customers they’ll need each day or what income they’ll require to cover costs. That can be a recipe for disaster.

    Richard Campbell, however, has made a success of it. A keen amateur singer with a passion for travel, he first became involved in organizing musical tours as a university student. On graduating, he joined a small student travel company, Sunway Travel, as a tour leader. Thirteen years later, in 1993, he bought the business and repositioned it to focus entirely on musicians, both amateur and professional. It was a successful move and Sunway Travel now arranges worldwide travel for 80% of Britain’s classical musicians.

    Despite the size of the business, Campbell still enjoys touring with orchestras. “Musicians are usually delightful to travel with and you visit wonderful places.” It can get stressful though. “They assume it’s normal when everything goes right. If something goes wrong, they look for someone to blame, and they can be quite unreasonable and bad-tempered, especially if they are worried about meeting their contracts for the rest of their tour.”

    Campbell explains that things haven’t always been easy. “Sometimes the company didn’t perform as well as I’d expected. There were difficult times and I had to learn to cope with the stress. However, we’ve now got to a level where my staff can run the business on a daily basis and all I need to do is keep an eye on things.”

    Campbell recognizes that he could have earned more in another line of business. “Travel generally does not pay well. I have friends in other professions who are very highly paid.” But he has no regrets. “They envy me because I am reasonably well paid to do something that I love doing.”
What does Sue Cole say about people whose businesses are their hobbies?
A They have the perfect combination.
B They risk losing interest in their leisure activity.
C They know very little about raising finance.
Why do some people who open their own restaurant fail?
A They don’t learn enough about competition.
B They don’t research how to attract customers.
C They don’t know what turnover levels they need.
How did Richard Campbell change Sunway Travel in 1993?
A He relocated the company offices.
B He targeted a new group of consumers.
C He expanded the destinations the company dealt with.
According to Campbell, how do musicians react when faced with travel problems?
A They try to criticize the person responsible.
B They expect things to be set right.
C They say they will take their business elsewhere.
What does Richard Campbell say about the day-to-day running of his business?
A It is unnecessary for him to take an active role.
B It has become more stressful.
C It is difficult to set realistic targets.
What does Richard Campbell feel about his career?
A He likes his career though he’s always short of money.
B He wishes he earned a high salary like his friends.
C He’s happy and thinks he has enough to live on.
How does Campbell feel about traveling with musicians?
A He thinks it’s unbearable to travel with musicians.
B He believes it’s delightful to travel with musicians.
C He considers it’s difficult to travel with musicians.
                                                   Passage 2  McDonald’s
    In 1954, Two brothers ran a small but busy restaurant in San Bernardino, California.

    The restaurant featured a limited menu that included: hamburgers, French fries, soft drinks and milkshakes. The milkshakes were very popular and the restaurant had purchased ten special “Miltimixer” milkshake makers. Each one could mix five milkshakes at a time.

    A salesman named Ray Kroc was the exclusive distributor of the “Multimix” milkshake machines at that time. Ray decided to visit the restaurant ; he wanted to find out why they had so many machines.

    Ray talked to Richard and Maurice (Mac) McDonald, the owners of the restaurant. He saw how they prepared the food using equipment that they had invented. The service in the restaurant was fast and the prices were inexpensive.

    Ray realized that this was a fantastic opportunity. He wanted to open more restaurants and so sell more multimixers.

    In April 1955, Ray opened his first franchised McDonald’s restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois, First day sales were $366.12.

    Ray continued to franchise new restaurants and to expand. In 1961, he bought the business from the MacDonald brothers for $2.7million.

    Today, McDonald’s Corporation has over 31,000 restaurants in over 100 countries. There is even one in Kuwait City, which opened in 1994. On its first day, there were 15,000 people lining up to eat at the restaurant.
In 1954, Richard and Maurice
A ran a hamburger restaurant.
B didn’t like milkshakes.
C prepared the food by hand.
Ray Kroc
A owned a restaurant in California.
B Invented a milkshake maker.
C Sold machines for making milkshakes.
Ray opened
A his first restaurant in California
B his first restaurant in Illinois.
C his first restaurant in 1961.
When a restaurant opened in Kuwait City, it was
A not very busy on the first day.
B quite busy on the first day.
C extremely busy on the first day.
                                             Passage 3  Change your Life
    In his early forties, Peter Van was a successful stockbroker at the London Stock Exchange, with the typical rewards of success: a large beautiful home and a very healthy bank account. But Peter worked long hours, and he saw little of his home and family. He enjoyed his job, yes, but he was never there to see his children growing up. Then last year, the firm he worked for went bankrupt, and unexpectedly, Peter had the opportunity to do something different.

    So Peter and his family sold their house in London, and moved to the countryside. They bought a smaller house with some land. Today, Peter is more relaxed. He spends time with his children, and he has seen them change into healthy happy kids. He has started working on his land, growing fruit and vegetable. He still trades in shares, but only his own. He and his family have a modest, but comfortable life.

    Husband and wife Rob and Manda Brent are teachers, but they have both resigned from their jobs, and neither of them plans to return to the school where they worked in Birmingham’s city center. Now they live in Italy, where they have bought a farmhouse in the Tuscan hills. “We’ve never had our own accommodation,” said Rob. “We’ve never had our own business before, so it’ll be quite a challenge. Plus we have borrowed a lot of money from the bank to get started.”

    “In this first three-month period, we’re settling in and reorganizing the farmhouse,” said Manda, ”Then we’ll open our doors to guests.”

    Bed and breakfast will not be the only source of income, though. The farm has got olive trees and all the equipment for producing olive oil.

    It sounds as though Rob and Manda will be very busy. We wish them the very best of luck!
How old was Peter when he moved to the countryside?
A 39 
B 40
C between 41 and 45
Why did Peter move to the countryside?
A because he wanted to work on his land.
B because he didn’t like his job.
C because he wanted to spend more time with his family.
What type of service are Rob and Manda going to provide?
A rooms with breakfast and dinner
B somewhere to sleep, and something to eat in the morning
C rooms, but no meals
Where will the couple’s income come from?
A from the selling of farm produce, and from paying guests
B only from paying guests
C only from the selling of farm produce
[61-70] Put the following Chinese into English: 15%(汉译英,15分)
[71-80] Put the following English into Chinese: 15%(英译汉,15分)
trade directory (1分)
an illustrated catalogue / catalog (2分)
sample cutting / cut sample (1分)
consignee (1分)
Free from Particular Average / F.P.A. (1分)
account (1分)
open cover (1分)
order bill of lading / order B/L (1分)
Please note that, as contracted, the goods should be shipped in 3 equal lots, in May, June and July, respectively. (3分)
The draft should be payable at sight instead of 30 days after sight. (3分)
[81-90] Complete each of the following blanks with an appropriate word: 10%(完型填充10分)
Dear Sirs
From the advertisement on your website, we   81   learned that you are one of the leading manufacturers of high-definition television sets in China, and were deeply impressed by the wide   82   of TV sets you advertised.

Based in Vancouver, we are one of the largest chain stores in North America, and are looking for a manufacturer   83   could supply us   84   a wide range of high-definition TV sets for sale in the region.

We would appreciate   85   if you could send us your latest catalogue and price list. And we would like to know   86   you are offering any volume discount, as we usually   87   large orders. It would   88   be helpful if you would send us the relevant brochures   89   instruction books.

We hope to receive your   90   reply.

Yours faithfully

David Engro

David Engro (Mr.)
Purchase Manager