暂缺答案 ×
(总分100, 做题时间120分钟)
Ⅰ.Translate the following Chinese into English(中译英,共20分)
经营范围 (1分)
规格 (1分)
5%的折扣 (1分)
短装 (1分)
发票金额 (1分)
综合险 (1分)
已装船通知 (1分)
商业信用 (1分)
如果你方报价有竞争力的话, 我方可考虑与你方大量成交。 (3分)
由于信用证迟到, 我方无法在销售确认书所规定的期限内交货。 (3分)
随信附上567号合同项下的全套装运单据。 (3分)
如能寄来有关样品及整套宣传资料,我方将不胜感激。 (3分)
Ⅱ.Translate the following English into Chinese(英译中,共
trade associations (1分)
for your reference (1分)
to offer firm (1分)
to be available from stock (1分)
partial shipments (1分)
to file a claim (1分)
neutral packing (1分)
charter party (1分)
We feel it regrettable that you declined our offer for fruits. (3分)
We can arrange the inland insurance on your behalf, but the extra premium should be borne by you. (3分)
In addition, the crates are lined with waterproof, airtight material. (3分)
We strongly believe that through our joint efforts, business between our two sides will be developed to our mutual benefit. (3分)
Ⅲ.Choose the best answer for each of the following questions (单选题,共10分,每题1分)
As we specialize in the import and distribution of automobile parts, we would like to establish ________ with you.
A business relation 
B trade relationship
C trading relation 
D business relations
We shall send you quotations and samples ________your specific inquiry.
A after receipt 
B as soon as receiving
C on receipt of
D upon receipt
For details of our credit status, you may________ the Chamber of Commerce of Italy.
A contact with 
B refer to
C approach to 
D get into touch with
We are pleased to receive your fax of May 8 ________us 500 metric tons of soy beans.
A quoting 
B offering
C quoted 
D offered
Problems of long ________ should be settled with great care.
A time 
B period
C stand 
D standing
Insurance is to be ________by the buyer if the transaction is concluded on an FOB basis.
A done
B made
C taken up 
D taken out
Chinese exporters usually pack nearly all of their ________ goods in containers in order to cut freight and other ________.
A exports … costs
B export … charges
C exports … charges
D selling … money
The full consignment ________ fifty wooden cases bearing our name and marks.
A includes
B contains
C consists 
D covers
We took delivery of 5 cartons and had the ________ examined.
A contents 
B content
C contention 
D containment
We have made ________ that we would not accept payment by D/P for the present deal.
A clear
B that clear
C this clear
D it clear
Ⅳ.Arrange the following words and phrases in their proper order to form complete sentences(连词成句,共10分,每题2分)
that, the, immediately, it is understood, covering, the letter of credit, will be established, goods, above-mentioned
our duty, we feel, that, the date of shipment, to remind you, it, is drawing near
until the first lot of goods, we cannot be sure, packed in such cartons, how things will prove, arrives, to be
the inconvenience caused by this, we very much regret, would like to, and, and the previous error, offer our sincere apologies
our usual practice, to have payments made, it is, by confirmed irrevocable sight L/C, for all exports
Ⅴ.Complete each of the following blanks with an appropriate word or phrase(选择正确的答案填充,共10分,每个空格1分)
Dear Sirs
    As it is our ___1____ in the near future to start importing Chinese pottery, we are ___2____ in contacting a number of prominent manufacturers in Shanghai with a ___3____ to choosing lines ____4___ for the Spanish market.
    We would be most ____5___ if you would send us ____6___ the lines you stock for export, ____7___ with your price list and terms f.o.b.
    We would very much ___8____ an early reply ___9____ our general manager is coming to Shanghai next month to visit prospective ___10____.

Yours respectfully
A want 
B intention
C interest
D expectation
A interested	 
B keen
C like
D preferred
A purpose 
B eye
C view
D desire
A suited  
B suiting	
C suit
D suitable
A thankful 
B thanked
C thanking
D thank
A detail on	
B details of
C detailed information 
D detailed informations about
A as 
B going
C gathering
D together
A expect  
B await
C appreciate
D like
A with 
B because of
C though	
D as
A buyers 
B importer
C suppliers
D exporter
Ⅵ.Reading Comprehension(阅读理解,共10分,每题1分)
                                                  Passage 1
    Complaining about faulty goods or bad service is never easy.Most people dislike making a fuss.But if something you have bought is faulty or does not do what was claimed for it, you are not asking for a favor to get it put right.It is the shopkeeper’s responsibility to take the complaint seriously and to replace or repair a faulty article or put right poor service, because he is the person with whom you have entered into an agreement.
    Complaints should be made to a responsible person.Go back to the shop where you bought the goods, taking with you any receipt you may have.If you telephone, ask the name of the person who handles your enquiry, otherwise you may never find out who is to deal with the complaint later.
    Even the bravest person finds it difficult to stand up in a group of people to complain.So, if you do not want to do it in person, write a letter.Stick to the facts and keep a copy of what you write.At this stage you should give any receipt numbers, but you should not need to give receipts or other papers to prove you bought the article.If you are not satisfied with the answer you get, or if you do not get a reply, write to the managing director.Be sure to keep copies of your own letters and any letter you receive.
A customer may make a complaint because ________.
A he dislikes causing a fuss
B the article does not do what was claimed for it
C he wants to ask for a favor
D he was at fault in buying the article
According to the passage, which of the following is not mentioned in the agreement between the shopkeeper and the customer?
A To take his complaint seriously.
B To sell him the goods.
C To replace or repair a faulty article.
D To put right poor service.
Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?
A Complaints should be made to a responsible person.
B You should bring with you the receipt when you go back to complain.
C Send the receipt with the letter when you write to complain.
D Many people find it difficult to stand up in a group of people to complain.
When complaining on the telephone ________.
A you should speak direct to the owner
B you must ask for the manager.
C you may never find out who dealt with the matter.
D you should find out with whom you discuss the matter.
According to the passage, when should you write to the managing director?
A If you are not satisfied with the answer you get.
B After sending out the first letter.
C If you are not satisfied with the article you have bought.
D After talking to the responsible person.
                                                  Passage 2
    In most European countries, unemployment was low for many years after World War II, and bitter memories of parents and grandparents who had been out of work for long periods in the 1930s gradually disappeared from people’s minds.But in recent years it has once again become a serious problem.
    Newspapers usually take the number of people “unemployed” as a percentage of the registered working population.On the basis of these figures alone, they make comparisons with past experience and also between different countries.Such simplified calculations do not take into account technological developments that have made a large number of unskilled jobs unnecessary.
    When we compare our unemployment figures with those of the 1930s, we must remember that far more women work nowadays, and therefore register as unemployed if they lose their jobs, so governments have a greater task and responsibility.
    Comparisons between countries are also unreliable because of the percentage of people who are not registered.For example, in former West Germany, most young people stayed at school until they were 18.
It can be inferred from the passage that
A unemployment before World War II was low.
B unemployment after World War II was high.
C unemployment in the 1930s was high.
D unemployment in the 1930s was low.
According to the author, the figures of unemployment given in newspapers are ________.
A unfair
B false
C miscalculated
D correct
Which of the following statements is not true?
A The unemployment rate in most European countries in recent years is high.
B Unemployment did not represent a serious problem in Europe in the 1950.
C The standard of being registered as “unemployed” is not the same in different countries.
D The unemployment rate is the percentage of a certain country’s population that does not have a job.
The recent decline of unskilled jobs is mentioned as the result of ________.
A high unemployment rates
B technological advances
C women workers
D governments’ efforts
In former West Germany, ________.
A young people were not allowed to work until they were 18
B young people below 18 usually did not register to work.
C young people usually registered to work before they were 18.
D the registered number was bigger because of the young people below 18.
Ⅶ.Identify, underline the ONE mistake contained in each of the following sentences and correct it(找出每句句子中的一个错误并在错误底下划线然后改正,共20分,每题2分)
Would you please send your sales representative here to discuss the matter in details?
Could you quote us at a better price for the laser printers we enquired for?
You will be pleased to learn that we have all the models from stock.
10% is the maximum discount that we can allow to our customers in the present circumstance.
We have noticed that the quotation you faxed us is on the CIF Vancouver base.
According to our practice, goods sold at CFR prices should be effected insurance by the buyers.
The 5-liter cans are packed in a further 16 cartons, each consisting of 12 cans.
Please do your best to get the goods dispatch with the least possible delay.
Partial shipment will certainly cause you much inconvenience, but our manufacturers are heavily committed.
For your information, we have informed our bank to open an irrevocable sight L/C in your favour.