(总分50, 做题时间90分钟)
Part One
A client delivered a healthy full-term female neonate 2 hours ago by cesarean delivery. When assessing this client, which finding requires immediate nursing action?
  • A. Tachycardia and hypotension. 
  • B. Gush of vaginal blood when the client stands up. 
  • C. Blood stain 2" (5 cm) in diameter on the abdominal dressing. 
  • D. Complaints of abdominal pain.
A  B  C  D  
Which of the following is used to treat serious depression when drug therapy has failed?
  • A.Electroconvulsive therapy                   
  • B.Insulin treatment   
  • C.Psychosurgery                               
  • D.Hydrotherapy
A  B  C  D  
During a shock state, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system exerts which effect on renal function?
  • A. Decreased urine output, increased reabsorption of sodium and water. 
  • B. Decreased urine output, decreased reabsorption of sodium and water. 
  • C. Increased urine output, increased reabsorption of sodium and water. 
  • D. Increased urine output, decreased reabsorption of sodium and water.
A  B  C  D  
The nurse is caring for a child with leukemia. Which of the following should the nurse priority pay more attention to?
  • A. Preventing injury. 
  • B. Monitoring the child's platelet count. 
  • C. Monitoring the child's temperature. 
  • D. Encouraging increased fluid intake.
A  B  C  D  
A client with intrauterine growth retardation is admitted to the labor and delivery unit and started on an IV infusion of oxytocin (Pitocin). Which of the following is LEAST likely to be included in her plan of care?
  • A. Monitoring vital signs, including assessment of fetal well-being, every 15 to 30 minutes. 
  • B. Allowing the client to ambulate as tolerated. 
  • C. Helping the client use breathing exercises to manage her contractions. 
  • D. Carefully titrating the oxytocin based on her pattern of labor.
A  B  C  D  
The client with a lumbar laminectomy asks to be turned onto his side. What should the nurse do?
  • A. Inform the client that because of his laminectomy, he may only lie supine. 
  • B. Ask the client to help by using an overhead trapeze to turn himself. 
  • C. Turn the client's shoulders first, followed by his hips and legs. 
  • D. Get another nurse to help log roll the client into position.
A  B  C  D  
The nurse is caring for a client with a fractured hip. The client is combative and confused, and he's trying to get out of bed. The nurse should
  • A. leave the client and get help. 
  • B. obtain a physician's order to restrain the client. 
  • C. read the facility's policy on restraints. 
  • D. order soft restraints from the storeroom.
A  B  C  D  
A client has been placed on levodopa to treat his Parkinson's disease. Which of the following is a common side effect of levodopa that the nurse should include in the client's teaching plan?
  • A. Pancytopenia. 
  • B. Peptic ulcer. 
  • C. Orthostatic hypotension. 
  • D. Weight loss.
A  B  C  D  
A disturbed client is scheduled to begin group therapy. The client refuses to attend. The nurse should
  • A.Accept the client's decision without discussion   
  • B.Have another client ask the client to reconsider   
  • C.Tell the client that attendance at the meeting is required   
  • D.Insist that the client join the group to help the socialization process
A  B  C  D  
What is the nurse's most important role in caring for a client with a mental health disorder?
  • A. To offer advice. 
  • B. To know how to solve the client's problems. 
  • C. To establish trust and rapport. 
  • D. To set limits with the client.
A  B  C  D  
Which laboratory test results would the nurse expect to find in a client diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis?
  • A. Thyroxine (T4), 22μg/dL; triiodothyronine (T3), 320ng/dL; thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) undetectable. 
  • B. T4, 22μg/dL; T3, 200ng/dL; TSH,0.1μIU/mL. 
  • C. T4, 2μg/dL; T3, 200ng/dL; TSH,5.9μIU/mL. 
  • D. T4, 2μg/dL; T3, 35ng/dL; TSH,45μIU/mL.
A  B  C  D  
A client has had a total gastrectomy for gastric cancer. Which one of the following is the most appropriate expected outcomes about nutrition?
  • A. The client will learn to self-administer enteral feedings every 4 hours. 
  • B. The client will maintain adequate nutrition through oral or parenteral feedings. 
  • C. The client will regain any weight lost within 4 weeks of the surgical procedure. 
  • D. The client will eat three full meals a day without experiencing gastric complications.
A  B  C  D  
A 6-year-old girl has been hospitalized with rheumatic fever for 4 weeks. Her symptoms have gradually subsided, and she's now ready for discharge. Which of the following plans for her health care is most important for her future well-being?
  • A. Arrange for her to return to school as soon as possible to promote psychosocial development. 
  • B. Encourage her to engage in unrestricted physical activity to regain physical strength. 
  • C. Arrange for the administration of prophylactic antibiotics to prevent a recurrence of rheumatic fever. 
  • D. Maintain seizure precautions, as central nervous system involvement may persist for several months.
A  B  C  D  
The nurse is teaching the mother of an infant with tetralogy of Fallot. The mother asks what to do when her infant becomes very blue and has trouble breathing after crying. The nurse should tell the mother,
  • A. "Leave the infant alone until the crying stops. " 
  • B. "Put the infant in the knee-chest position. " 
  • C. "Offer the infant a bottle of formula. " 
  • D. "Take the infant for a ride in the car. "
A  B  C  D  
A client with an indwelling urinary catheter is suspected of having a urinary tract infection. The nurse should collect a urine specimen for culture and sensitivity by
  • A. disconnecting the tubing from the urinary catheter and letting the urine flow into a sterile container. 
  • B. wiping the self-sealing aspiration port with antiseptic solution and aspirating urine with a sterile needle. 
  • C. draining urine from the drainage bag into a sterile container. 
  • D. clamping the tubing for 60 minutes and inserting a sterile needle into the tubing above the clamp to aspirate urine.
A  B  C  D  
A 23-month-old child is brought to the emergency department with suspected croup. Which assessment finding reflects increasing respiratory distress?
  • A. Intercostal retractions.
  • B. Bradycardia.
  • C. Decreased level of consciousness.
  • D. Flushed skin.
A  B  C  D  
One morning the nurse overhears Elma, who is admitted with BPD, having an argument with her mother, When suppertime, Elma is very angry with the nurse and complains nurse must say something bad to her mother about her performance in ward. What the defense mechanism Elma is using?
  • A.Dissociation       
  • B.Denial             
  • C.Projection         
  • D.Splitting
A  B  C  D  
The nurse is assessing a pregnant woman in the clinic. In the course of the assessment, the nurse learns that this woman smokes one pack of cigarettes per day. Which of the following is the first step the nurse should take to help the woman stop smoking?
  • A. Assess the client's readiness to stop. 
  • B. Suggest that the client reduce the daily number of cigarettes smoked by one-half. 
  • C. Provide the client with the telephone number of a formal smoking-cessation program. 
  • D. Help the client develop a plan to stop.
A  B  C  D  
The physician orders supplemental oxygen for a client with a respiratory problem. To provide the highest possible oxygen concentration, the nurse expects to use which oxygen delivery device?
  • A. Nasal cannula.
  • B. Venturi mask. 
  • C. Partial rebreathing mask. 
  • D. Nonrebreathing mask.
A  B  C  D  
A client with testicular cancer is scheduled for a right orchiectomy. The day before surgery, the client asks the nurse whether losing a testicle will have influence on his manhood. Which of the following facts about orchiectomy should form the basis for the nurse's response?
  • A. Testosterone levels are decreased. 
  • B. Sexual drive and libido are unchanged. 
  • C. Sperm count increases in the remaining testicle. 
  • D. Secondary sexual characteristics change.
A  B  C  D  
While auscultating heart sounds of a client with heart failure, the nurse hears an extra heart sound immediately after the second heart sound (S2). The nurse should document this as
  • A. a first heart sound (S1). 
  • B. a third heart sound (S3). 
  • C. a fourth heart sound (S4). 
  • D. a murmur.
A  B  C  D  
Before a transesophageal echocardiogram, a client is given an oral topical anesthetic spray. Upon return from the procedure, the nurse observes that the client has no active gag reflex. In response, the nurse should
  • A. insert an oral airway. 
  • B. withhold food and fluids. 
  • C. position the client on his side. 
  • D. introduce a nasogastric (NG) tube.
A  B  C  D  
Which of the following home regimens should the nurse suggest to relieve itching in children with chicken pox?
  • A. Generous amounts of fine baby powder. 
  • B. Oatmeal preparation baths. 
  • C. Terrycloth towels moistened with hydrogen peroxide. 
  • D. Cool compresses moistened with a weak salt solution.
A  B  C  D  
The nurse is caring for a client who has a history of alcohol abuse. Why would the client act as if he didn't have a problem?
  • A. The client has never taken the CAGE questionnaire. 
  • B. Denial is a defense mechanism commonly used by alcoholics. 
  • C. Thought processes are distorted. 
  • D. Alcohol is expensive.
A  B  C  D  
Drugs to treat acute anxiety are prescribed to a client hospitalized for an acute myocardial infarction. The client is reluctant to take anti-anxiety drugs. The nurse suspects that the client is holding the drugs under his tongue and disposing of them after she has left the room. What should the nurse do first?
  • A. Report her suspicions to the client's physician. 
  • B. Talk to the client about his attitude toward the medications. 
  • C. Search the client's room for evidence of the medications. 
  • D. Tell the client that his behavior must stop for his own well-being.
A  B  C  D  
One day, the nurse sits by a depressed client's bed and states, "I will be spending some time with you today. " The client responds angrily, "Go talk to someone else. They need you more. " The most therapeutic response by the nurse would he:
  • A."Why are you angry with me?"   
  • B."I'll go, but I will be back tomorrow. "   
  • C."Don't say that. You are important, too. "   
  • D."I will be spending the next 15 minutes with you. "
A  B  C  D  
Which of the following discharge instructions should the nurse give the parents of an infant with a temporary colostomy?
  • A. Flush the stoma with tap water at least once a day. 
  • B. Allow the diaper to absorb the colostomy drainage. 
  • C. Give the infant plenty of liquids to drink. 
  • D. Expect the stoma to become dusky red within 2 weeks.
A  B  C  D  
Oxytocin (Pitocin) is administrated to a client during labor. Which of the following is the most serious adverse effect associated with oxytocin?
  • A. Water intoxication. 
  • B. Tetanic contractions. 
  • C. Elevated blood pressure. 
  • D. Early decelerations of fetal heart rate.
A  B  C  D  
A client asks the nurse to help her make out her will. In this situation, what should be the nurse's best response?
  • A. "I don't believe in getting involved in legal matters, but maybe I can find another nurse who'll help you. " 
  • B. "You need to consult an attorney because I'm not trained in such matters. Is there a family lawyer I can call for you?" 
  • C. "I'm not a lawyer, but I'll do what I can for you. " 
  • D. "You have a long way to go before you'll need to do that. Let's wait on it a while, shall we?"
A  B  C  D  
The decision to get married might indicate that Johnny is in which of Freud's psychosexual stages?
  • A.Latency           
  • B.Oral               
  • C.Genital           
  • D.Phallic
A  B  C  D  
Part Two
Which of the following would be least likely to indicate anticipated bonding behaviors by new parents?
  • A. The parents' willingness to touch and hold the neonate. 
  • B. The parents' expression of interest about the size of the neonate. 
  • C. The parents' indication that they want to see the neonate. 
  • D. The parents' interactions with each other.
A  B  C  D  
Which pregnancy-related physiologic change would place the client with a history of cardiac disease at the greatest risk for developing severe cardiac problems?
  • A. Decreased heart rate. 
  • B. Decreased cardiac output. 
  • C. Increased plasma volume. 
  • D. Increased blood pressure.
A  B  C  D  
After gastric resection surgery, which of the following signs and symptoms would alert the nurse to the development of a leaking anastomosis?
  • A. Pain, fever, and abdominal rigidity. 
  • B. Diarrhea with fat in the stool. 
  • C. Palpitations, pallor, and diaphoresis after eating. 
  • D. Feelings of fullness and nausea after eating.
A  B  C  D  
A primigravida at 36 weeks' gestation tells the nurse that she has moderate breast tenderness. The nurse teaches the client with some suggestions for relief measures. Which of the following statements by the client suggests the nurse that the client needs further instructions?
  • A. "I should wear a supportive bra at all times. " 
  • B. "I should clean my nipples with soap. " 
  • C. "I should change my sleeping positions. " 
  • D. "I should clean up the colostrum with water. "
A  B  C  D  
The parents of a 4-year-old with sickle cell anemia tell the nurse that they would like to have other children, but they're concerned about passing sickle cell anemia on to them. Which health care team member would be the most appropriate person for the nurse to refer them to?
  • A. Clergy. 
  • B. Social worker. 
  • C. Certified nurse midwife. 
  • D. Genetic counselor.
A  B  C  D  
Which nursing action is most effective in defusing a client's impending violent behavior?
  • A. Helping the client identify and express feelings of anxiety and anger. 
  • B. Involving the client in a quiet activity to divert attention. 
  • C. Leaving the client alone until he can talk about his feelings. 
  • D. Placing the client in seclusion.
A  B  C  D  
During her first prenatal visit, a client expresses concern about gaining weight. Which of the following would be the nurse's best action?
  • A. Ask the client how she feels about gaining weight and provide instructions about expected weight gain and diet. 
  • B. Be alert for a possible eating problem and do a further in-depth assessment. 
  • C. Report the client's concerns to her caregiver. 
  • D. Ask her to come back to the clinic every 2 weeks for a weight check.
A  B  C  D  
A 4-year-old child with pain and itching around the rectum has just been diagnosed with a pinworm infestation. The physician prescribes mebendazole (Vermox). When teaching the child's parents about the treatment regimen, the nurse should emphasize which instruction?
  • A. Look for white patches in the child's mouth. 
  • B. Make sure that all family members are treated. 
  • C. Encourage the child to drink lots of apple juice. 
  • D. Limit dairy products until the pinworms are eradicated.
A  B  C  D  
In developing a plan of care for a client with rheumatoid arthritis, the nurse should consider that clients with rheumatoid arthritis should be positioned so as to
  • A. prevent flexion deformities of the joints. 
  • B. decrease edema around the joints. 
  • C. promote maximum comfort. 
  • D. prevent venous stasis.
A  B  C  D  
Which of the following should the nurse include in a postoperative teaching plan for a client with a laryngectomy?
  • A. Telling the client to speak by covering the stoma with a sterile gauze pad. 
  • B. Reassuring the client that normal eating will be possible after healing has occurred. 
  • C. Instructing the client to avoid coughing until the sutures are removed. 
  • D. Instructing the client to control oral secretions by swabbing them with tissues or by expectorating into an emesis basin.
A  B  C  D  
A 19-year-old pregnant client tells the nurse she's concerned that she may not be able to take care of herself during her pregnancy. She states that prenatal care is expensive and her job doesn't provide insurance. The nurse should recognize which of the following?
  • A. The client may not take care of herself. 
  • B. The client may not be fit to take care of a child. 
  • C. The client needs to take up a second job. 
  • D. The client should be referred to community resources available for pregnant women.
A  B  C  D  
A psychotic client reports to the evening nurse that the day nurse put something suspicious in his water with his medication. The nurse replies, "You're worried about your medication?" The nurse's communication is
  • A. an example of presenting reality. 
  • B. reinforcing the client's delusions. 
  • C. focusing on emotional content. 
  • D. a nontherapeutic technique called mind reading.
A  B  C  D  
The immobile adolescent with a recent fractured femur suddenly complains chest pain, dyspnea, diaphoresis, and tachycardia. Which of the following would the nurse suspect?
  • A. Atelectasis. 
  • B. Pneumonia. 
  • C. Pulmonary edema. 
  • D. Pulmonary emboli.
A  B  C  D  
A boy, age , develops a fever and rash and is diagnosed with rubella. His mother has just given birth to a girl. Which statement by the mother best indicates that she understands the implications of rubella?
  • A. "I told my husband to give my son aspirin for his fever. " 
  • B. "I'll ask the physician about giving the baby an immunization shot. " 
  • C. "I know that I won't be able to breast-feed my baby now. " 
  • D. "I'll call my neighbor who is 2 months pregnant and tell her not to have contact with my son.
A  B  C  D  
A nurse instructs a prenatal class about the importance of doing Kegel exercises frequently. Kegel exercises help to
  • A. promote better breathing by strengthening the diaphragm muscle. 
  • B. maintain good perineal muscle tone by tightening the pubococcygeus muscle. 
  • C. minimize leg cramps by strengthening the calf muscles. 
  • D. prepare the mother for pushing by strengthening the abdominal muscles.
A  B  C  D  
Mr. Smith is admitted to the psychiatric hospital for evaluation after numerous incidents of threatening, angry outbursts and two episodes of hitting a coworker at the grocery store where he works. He is very anxious and tells the nurse, "I didn't mean to hit him. He made me so mad that I just couldn't help it. I hope I don't hit anyone here. " Which of the following is the nurse's best response?
  • A. "It sounds like you were angry. When you feel angry here, talk to the staff about it instead of hitting. " 
  • B. "I'm sure you didn't mean to hit him and that it won't happen here. " 
  • C. "You'd better not hit anyone here, even if you do get mad. " 
  • D. "Tell me more about what happened. "
A  B  C  D  
Lochia normally progresses in which pattern?
  • A. Rubra, serosa, alba. 
  • B. Serosa, rubra, alba. 
  • C. Serosa, alba, rubra. 
  • D. Rubra, alba, serosa.
A  B  C  D  
A client with antisocial personality disorder refuses to take a shower for 3 days. Which response by the nurse is best?
  • A. "It's policy here for all clients to bathe daily. " 
  • B. "It's time for your shower. I'll help you with it. " 
  • C. "Don't worry about your shower until tomorrow. " 
  • D. "Do you want people to make fun of you?"
A  B  C  D  
The mother of a hospitalized 3-year-old girl expresses concern because her daughter is wetting the bed. What should the nurse tell her?
  • A. "It's common for a child to exhibit regressive behavior when anxious or stressed. " 
  • B. "Your child is probably angry about being hospitalized. This is her way of acting out. " 
  • C. "Don't worry. It's common for a 3-year-olcl child to not be fully toilet-trained. " 
  • D. "The nurses probably haven't been answering the call light soon enough. They will try to respond more quickly. "
A  B  C  D  
An 18-year-old primagravida tells the nurse that the physician told her that she needed to increase her intake of thiamine (vitamin Bi) in her diet. Which of the following foods should the nurse instruct the client to consume more?
  • A. Milk. 
  • B. Rice. 
  • C. Asparagus. 
  • D. Beef.
A  B  C  D  