(总分290, 做题时间90分钟)
Ⅰ.Structure and Vocabulary
   Directions: In each question, decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Choose one of the four choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence, which is substituted for the underlined word or phrase.
Mary ______ when she found her husband drunk again.
A blew her top
B became abnormal
C was affected
D in opposition
Do you think it is late to ______ on a new career?
A disembark
B embark
C remark
D assume
Linda could not refuse, ______ she foresaw little pleasure in the visit.
A since
B for
C though
D when
During the famine many people ______ eating grass and leaves.
A felt inclined to
B were confronted with
C got accustomed to
D were reduced to
Judgment was suspended till the following Monday because of the lack of evidence.
A changed
B discussed
C postponed
D informed
Consumer groups are protesting against higher prices in this city now.
A clothing with
B clinging to
C complaining about
D clutching with
The research team decided to use an underwater saw to cut the ______ ship into sections before lifting it up.
A electrical
B electric
C electricity
D electrifying
The law prohibits occupancy by more than 250 persons in this area.
A forbids
B allows
C promises
D suggests
A series of border incidents inevitably led the two countries to war.
A distinctly
B unavoidably
C regularly
D actually
Being poorly dressed can ______ your chance of getting a job.
A ruin
B eliminate
C reduce
D endanger
The accused man ______ his innocence by proving that he was aboard when the murder was committed.
A found
B founded
C ignored
D established
Everyone must have liked the cake because there wasn't even a ______ left.
A crutch
B chip
C chop
D clip
My wife ______ an old dictionary last night.
A came on
B came off
C came out
D came up
Two substitutes were used during the basketball games.
A players
B centers
C referees
D replacements
Tom is ordered to be present at the important meeting,______.
A rain or shine
B more or less
C sooner or later
D for good
Ⅱ.Sentence Correcting
   Directions: In each of the following sentences there are four parts underlined and marled A, B, C and D. Indicate which of the four parts is incorrectly used.
Not too many years ago my mother jogged in the alley behind our house because she was embarrassed to see jogging in public.    A. Not too many     B. ago     C. to see      D. in public
One expert remarks that a computer with so many tubes as the brain has neurons would require the Empire State Building to contain it.    A. remarks    B. so    C. has      D. would require
Despite this similarity with other creatures, the evolution of humankind differs from other species in one important and unique way.    A. Despite    B. other    C. other species      D. one
The scientists, concerned about the potential hazards, wanted the latest research finding made publicly.    A. concerned about    B. the latest      C. made   D. publicly
Among all the poems I have read recently, Thomas Hardy's "The Darkling Trust" seems the most relevant to our times.    A. Among   B. seems    C. to    D. times
The president devoted his energies to update the curricula, making the education offered at Washington College as meaningful and usual as possible.    A. energies    B. update  C. making      D. as possible
Failure to advertise could result in either reduced sales and less profit nor legal actions.    A. could  B. reduced C. less  D. nor
Suddenly, Gallup's name was on everyone's lips; not only he was the prophet of the moment, but it was generally believed that he had founded a new and most important method of prediction.    A. on everyone's lips  B. he was  C. but D. a new
Usually you will be more likely to find insects if you examine finer twigs rather than the coarse parts of trees.    A. more likely    B. if  C. rather than    D. coarse
Office revolution not only has changed how work is done but redefined the function of everyone who works in an office.    A. not only   B. how  C. redefined      D. works
It is the interaction between people, rather than the events that occur in their lives that are the main locus of social psychology.    A. between   B. rather than     C. are          D. of
It is very hard to believe that when Lincoln was born, communications were a little faster than in the days of Julius Caesar.    A. It is               B. that when                            C. a little                        D. in the days
Although we had been present at roughly the same time, Mr. Brown saw the situation quite different from the way I saw it.    A. Although              B. at                     C. different       D. the way
Some of these  studies have shown that although  some people  have  trouble to fall asleep, others have an equally difficult time waking up.    A. have shown    B. to fall asleep    C. equally  D. waking up
Never before I have seen anyone who has the skill John has when he repairs cars.    A. I have       B. who has        C. John has              D. repairs

   Directions:  For each numbered blank in, the following passage there are four choices marked A, B,  C and D listed below.  Choose the correct answer.
Perhaps the most interesting thing about the phenomenon of taboo behavior is how it can change  (1)   the years within the same society, how certain behavior and attitudes  (2)   considered taboo can become perfectly  (3)   and natural  (4)   another point in time. Topics such as death, fro example, were once considered so  (5)   and unpleasant that it was a taboo to even talk about them. Now with the  (6)   of important books such as On Death and Dying and Learning to Say Goodbye, people have become more  (7)   of the importance of expressing feelings about death and,  (8)   a result, are more willing to talk about this taboo subject.
   One of the newest taboos in American society is the topic of fat.   (9)   many other taboos, fat is a topic that Americans talk about constantly. It's not taboo to talk about fat; it's taboo to fat. The "  (10)   " look is thin, not fat. In the work world, most companies prefer youthful-looking, trim executives to sell their  (11)   as well as their products to the public. The thin look is associated with youth, vigor, and success. The fat person, on the other hand, is thought  (12)   as lazy and  (13)   in energy, self-discipline and self-respect. After all,  people think,  how can people who care about themselves, and therefore the way. they look, permit themselves to become fat? In an image-conscious society like the U. S. , thin is "in", fat is "out".
   It's not surprising, then, that millions of Americans have become  (14)   with staying slim and "in shape". The  (15)   of a youthful physical appearance is not, however, their sole reason for America's obsession with diet and exercise. Recent research has shown the  (16)   importance of diet and exercise for personal health. As in most technologically developed nations, the life-style Of North Americans has changed dramatically during the course of the last century. Modern machines do all the physical labor that people were once forced to do  (17)   hand. Cars and buses transport us quickly from point to point. As a result of inactivity and disuse, people's bodies can easily become weak and  (18)   to disease. In an effort to avoid such a fate, millions of Americans are spending more of their time exercising. The effect of this new appreciation of the importance of exercise is evident: parks are filled with runners and bicyclists, physical education programs are enjoying a newly found  (19)   ,  and many companies are providing special exercise  (20)   for their employees to use during the work day.
A for
B in
C over
D within
A now
B once
C never
D sometimes
A accepted
B accept
C acceptable
D acceptant
A in
B to
C at
D beside
A upsetting
B upset
C overturning
D overturned
A publication
B publicity
C publicize
D duplication
A conscious
B sensible
C noticed
D aware
A as
B for
C with
D and
A Alike
B Unlike
C Like
D As if
A out
B outside
C inside
D in
A appearance
B look
C Mage
D aspect
A of
B /
C about
D for
A lacking
B lack
C loss
D short
A occupied
B absorbed
C engrossed
D obsessed
A pursue
B persecute
C pursuit
D persecution
A critic
B critical
C criticizing
D critically
A at
B by
C on
D out of
A vulgar
B infected
C vulnerable
D infectious
A prestige
B presence
C superiority
D prestigious
A facilities
B equipment
C apparatus
D appliances

   Directions: This part consists of two short passages. In these passages, there are altogether 20 mistakes. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark ( ∧ ) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.
The improbable chain of events that leads Alexander Fleming                1. ______
   to discover penicillin in 1928 is the stuff which scientific myths     2. ______
   are made. It was a discovery that would change the course of the history. The active ingredient in that mold,  which Fleming
   named penicillin,  turned to be an infection-fighting agent of         3. ______
   enormous potency. When it was finally recognized as what it
   was--the efficacious life-saving drug in the world--penicillin         4. ______
   would alter forever the treatment of bacterial infections. By the
   middle of the century, Fleming's discovery spawned a huge phar-        5. ______
   maceutical industry, churning out synthetic penicillin that would
   conquer some of man-kind's most ancient scourges,  including
   syphilis, gangrene, and tuberculosis.
   When he died a heart attack in 1955, he was mourned by                 6. ______
   the world and buried as a national hero in the crypt of St. Paul's
   Cathedral in London. Although Fleming's scientific work in and
   of itself may not have reached great, his singular contribution        7. ______
   changed the practice of medicine. He deserves our utmost recog-
   nition. At the same time,  we must bear on mind that the               8. ______
   "Fleming Myth", as he called it, embodies the accomplishments
   of many giants of anti-biotic development. Fleming is but a cho-
   sen representative for the likes of Florey, Chain, Domagk, and
   Waksman, many of who remain, sadly, virtual  unknowns.                 9. ______
   Their achievements have made the world a better,  healthier
   place. In commemorating Fleming,  and we commemorate them              10. ______
   How does it happen that children learn their mother tongue
   so well?  When  we  compare  with  adults  learning  a  foreign        11. ______
   language, we often find this interesting fact. A little child
   without knowledge or experience often succeeds to a complete           12. ______
   master of the language. A grown-up person with fully developed         13. ______
   mental powers, in most cases, may end up in a faulty and inex-         14. ______
   act command. What accounts of this difference?                         15. ______
   Despite other explanations,  the real answer in my opinion
   lies partly with the child himself, partly in the behavior of the      16. ______
   people surround him. In the first place, the time of learning the      17. ______
   mother tongue is the most favorably of all,  namely,  the first        18. ______
   years of life. A child hears it speak from morning till night and,     19. ______
   what is more important,  always in its genuine form, with the
   right pronunciation, right intonation, right use of words and right
   structure. He drinks all the words and expressions which come to       20. ______
   him in a fresh,ever-bubbling spring.There is no resistance:
   there is perfect assimilation.

   Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.