(总分150, 做题时间90分钟)
Ⅰ Phonetics
Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
A. either      B. Thursday     C. furthest      D. clothes
A  B  C  D  
A  B  C  D  
A  B  C  D  
A  B  C  D  
A  B  C  D  
Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure
Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Mr. Ross built a lab ______ when he was forty.
   A. for his own himself                  B. of him own
   C. for his own                           D. of his own

A  B  C  D  
Neither Tom nor Jack and I ______ his students.
    A. are             B. am              C. is               D. was

A  B  C  D  
—______ you ______ the chief editor at the airport?
   —No. He had been away before my arrival.
   A. Have; met         B. Had; met            C. Did; meet           D. Do you

A  B  C  D  
The boy ______ that he should return before 7 o' clock.
   A. had been reminded
   B. were reminding
   C. is reminded
   D. has reminded

A  B  C  D  
The event took place during ______.
   A. First World War                        B. the First World War
   C. World War the One                     D. the World War One

A  B  C  D  
—Do you usually take a vacation?
    —Yes, I like to go away______.
   A. one time the year                      B. once a year
   C. one time in a year                     D. once in a year

A  B  C  D  
Two hundred dollars ______a large sum of money to the old man.
   A. is            B. is to be          C. are               D. are to be

A  B  C  D  
-- Would you prefer tea or coffee?
    -- I ______ have some coffee, please.
    A. will               B. am going to       C. am about          D. would

A  B  C  D  
______ I cannot keep up with my classmates.
   A. How I try hard              B. Whatever hard I try
   C. No matter how I try hard      D. No matter how hard I try

A  B  C  D  
—How big is your dog?
   —Mine is______yours.
   A. as twice big as                               B. as big twice as
   C. twice as big as                               D. as big as twice

A  B  C  D  
He treats it ______ a request for information.
     A. for             B. as               C. like             D. by

A  B  C  D  
I am feeling sick. I ______so much chocolate.
   A. needn’t have eaten           B. couldn’t have eaten
   C. mustn’t have eaten           D. shouldn’t have eaten

A  B  C  D  
— The light in the office is still on.
   —Oh, I forgot ______.
   A. turning it off                     B. turn it off
   C. to turn it off                      D. having turned it off

A  B  C  D  
We must ______ a solid, foundation for the development of our heavy industry.
   A. take                  B. put                  C. lay                   D. raise

A  B  C  D  
They had all stayed on the ninth floor of the Metropole Hotel in Hong Kong in ______ half of February,
   A. the second         B. second             C. the two             D. two

A  B  C  D  
Ⅲ Cloze
Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
One summer night, on my way home from work I decided to see a movie. I knew the theatre would be air-conditioned and I couldn't face my  (21)   apartment. Sitting in the theatre I had to look through the  (22)  between the two tall heads in front of me. I had to keep changing the angle every time she leaned over to talk to him,  (23)  he leaned over to kiss her. Why do Americans display such affection in public places? I thought the movie would be good for my English, but  (24)  it turned out, it was an Italian movie.  (25)  about an hour, I decided to give up the movie and  (26)   on my popcorn(爆玉米花). I've never understood why they give popcorn! It tasted pretty good,  (27)  . After a while I heard  (28)  more of the romantic-sounding Italians. I just heard the sound of the popcorn crunching (咀嚼) between my teeth. My thought started to  (29)  . I remembered when I was in South Korea (韩国), I  (30)  to watch Kojak on TV frequently. He spoke perfect Korean—I was really amazed. He seemed like a good friend to me,  (31)  I saw him again in New York speaking perfect English instead of perfect Korean. He didn't even have a Korean accent and I  (32)  like I had been betrayed. When our family moved to the United States six years ago, none of us spoke any English.  (33)  we had begun to learn a few words, my mother suggested that we all should speak English at home. Everyone agreed, but our house became very  (34)  and we all seemed to avoid each other. We sat at the dinner table in silence, preferring that to speaking in a difficult language. Mother tried to say something in English but it  (35)  out all wrong and we all burst into laughter and decided to forget it! We've been speaking Korean at home ever since.

A. warm              B. hot                C. heated             D. cool
A  B  C  D  
A. crack              B. blank              C. break              D. opening
A  B  C  D  
A. while              B. whenever           C. or                 D. and
A  B  C  D  
A. since              B. when              C. what               D. as
A  B  C  D  
A. Within            B. After              C. For               D. Over
A  B  C  D  
A. concentrate         B. chew               C. fix                  D. taste
A  B  C  D  
A. too               B. still               C. though            D. certainly
A  B  C  D  
A. much              B. any                C. no                 D. few
A  B  C  D  
A. wonder            B. wander             C. imagine            D. depart
A  B  C  D  
A. enjoyed            B. happened           C. turned             D. used
A  B  C  D  
A. until                B. because             C. then                D. therefore
A  B  C  D  
A. felt                B. looked             C. seemed            D. appeared
A  B  C  D  
A. While              B. If                  C. Before             D. Once
A  B  C  D  
A. empty             B. quiet              C. stiff               D. calm
A  B  C  D  
A. worked            B. got                C. came               D. made
A  B  C  D  
Ⅳ Reading Comprehension
Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Minutes of the meeting held in Malupit Community School on Wednesday, 14th March, at 8:00 p. m, Mr. I. Pomat, a Malupit shop owner, called the meeting to find out the views of the community on local government plans to close the Malupit Community School at the end of the present school year.
   Mr. Pomat acted as chairman of the meeting. He introduced Mr. L. Karazin, the Planning Office of the Raval Education Department. Mr. Karazin pointed out that there were now only fifty-three children at Malupit Community School. This was considered to be too high a number for the forming of two classes and the employment of two teachers. Mrs. Luvako, who had taught at the school for the past twenty-two years, would be retiring from the teaching service in July. The Planning Office wished to take this opportunity to close the school, because it is expensive to run, and to move the children to two bigger schools in Raval, six miles away.
   Mrs. Jarvis, the mother of an eight-year-old boy at Malupit, asked what would happen about transport to Raval. Mr. Karazin replied that the children would travel by bus. This would be provided by the Raval Transport Department, and it would take Malupit children to and from school free of charge.
   Another parent, Mr. W. Riley, expressed the fear of many parents that closing the local school would mean that the children of Malupit wouldn't grow up with the same sense of community as in the past. They would feel lost in the much larger schools in Raval. Mr. Karazin replied that the Raval schools were not very large, and that, in any case the children would have to go to Raval later on for education at high-school level.
   The chairman voiced the view of the meeting when he said that there was good reason to believe that there would soon be more young children living in Malupit. It would be foolish, he said, to close the school, and then to find that there were more than enough local children to form two classes and employ two teachers.
   A final point was made by Mr. Colmar, a retired business man, that without Malupit Community School, there would be nowhere big enough for local clubs and organizations to hold their meetings.
   Mr. Karazin promised that he would bring these points to the attention of the Education Department.
   Mr. Pomat brought the meeting to a close shortly after 9 o'clock.

The Planning Office had decided to close the school because ______.
   A. there were too many children in each class
   B. the schools in Raval were bigger and better
   C. it had too few children and it was expensive to run
   D. the teacher was retiring and they could not find another
A  B  C  D  
Mr. Karazin said that the children would ______.
   A. travel by bus to Raval, without cost to their parents
   B. travel to Raval in their parents' cars
   C. be taken each day by bus to the Raval Transport Department
   D. go by bus to and from school at a low cost to parents
A  B  C  D  
"The Chairman voiced the view of the meeting" means ______.
   A. he was the one who called the meeting to find out parents' views
   B. he spoke most at the meeting because he was chairman
   C. he said what everyone at the meeting, had asked him to say
   D. he expressed the opinion held by most people at the meeting
A  B  C  D  

In June of 1973, nine whales beached on the Florida coast. Beaching means swimming out of the ocean onto the beach, and usually dying there. No one knows why they do it, but a number of whales beach themselves every year. Some people think beaching is an accident.
   Perhaps the whales get confused. Scientists who studied the beaching of three dozen whales in Australia think the whales may have been confused by loud noises, Whales can tell where they are by sounds. They send out sounds and listen as they travel past or bounce off objects. Two days before these thirty-six whales beached, loud guns had been fired for two hours. The loud sounds may have confused the whales. Their confusion might have caused them to wander into low water.
   Whatever the reason whales beach, it is a sad event.  People try to save them, but very few beached whales live. One whale that was rescued from beaching in Florida lived for forty-five days. That is the longest a beached whale has ever survived. And it lived that long only because it got attention from doctors.
   All over the world, scientists rush to whale beachings as soon as they hear about them. They hope to learn why whales beach, and how to save them.

The subject of this passage is ______.
    A. the Florida Beaches                    B. Beached Whales
    C. Whale Sounds                          D. Medical Treatment of Whales
One reason whales beach may be ______.
    A. because they are hungry                B. because they are attacked
    C. that people can study them               D. that they are confused
Whale beachings are sad events because ______.
    A. people know the whales are going to die
    B. the whales have to be carted away and buried
    C. the whales cannot be used as food
    D. no one can use the beach on those days
To make the point that beached whales do not survive, the author uses _______.
    A. the opinions of famous people           B. a vivid word picture
    C. an example                              D. a firsthand story

One of the industrial giants who changed American society was Henry Ford horn on a farm in Michigan in 1863, and he grew up to bring forth some of the most revolutionary improvements in automotive technology in the early 20th century. His outstanding mechanical ability led him to become interested in the new automobiles in the early 1900s. Though be did not invent the automobile, he improved upon everyone else's designs. He was a person who believed in inexpensive, efficient production, so he established standards for his plants and workers. He also standardized and produced many new auto parts for his Ford Motor Company cars. Then he studied the workers' problems and thousands of automobiles per year. In fact, his plants had produced 15 million Model TS by 1927. Ford's personality was not all thrift (节俭), efficiency and inventiveness, however. He was a man who was cold and who could not keep pace with the competition due to his own rigidity (严格). His company suffered because of his desire to maintain the existing state instead of meeting and beating the competition by changing his products. Finally, he saw that he must change or fail, therefore, he introduced a newtype engine and once again took over the automobile market. Ford left a legacy of millions of dollars, millions of jobs for American workers, and millions of satisfied customers.

Henry Ford changed the American society ______.
        A. through great social revolution
        B. through automotive technological revolution
         C. through numerous mechanical inventions
         D. through radical political reforms
A  B  C  D  
It is Henry Ford's belief that ______.
         A. products should be made with less cost but higher efficiency
         B. products should be sold at low prices in large quantity
         C. products should be sold at high prices in large quantity
         D. standards must be established in his plants
A  B  C  D  
It can be inferred that ______.
        A. Henry Ford always tried to avoid waste
        B. Henry Ford required total observation once the standards were established
        C. Henry Ford always encouraged his workers to make changes oft he products
        D. Henry Ford made his own designs of his cars
A  B  C  D  
The example of Henry Ford's attitudes towards competition was used to illustrate ______.
         A. the causes for his successes    B. some of his failures
         C. another part of his personality    D. why he was left behind the modern competition
A  B  C  D  

John Paul Jones was one of the founders of the United States Navy. During the Revolution, the colonies were desperate. They needed men to lead their small ships against the British fleet. Jones was more than willing to fight.
   John Paul Jones had once been a captain of a British merchant ship. In 1773, his crew mutinied. One member of the crew tried to gain control of the ship. Jones shot the man to death. The mutiny took place near the port of Tobago, an island in the Caribbean. Authorities there decided to have a trial. This meant certain death for John Paul Jones, since the whole crew would testify against him.  One night during a thunderstorm, he escaped from the jail.
   He fled to the United States and lived with a family named Jones. His real name was John Paul. He added the name of Jones to his, in honor of the family. He outwitted the British ships that were sent to hunt him down.
   When the American Revolution ended he went to serve in the Russian navy. There, he fought the Turks and achieved one of the few major naval victories in the history of Russia. He died in Paris at the age of forty-five.
   John Paul Jones is considered both an American and Russian hero, but the English considered him a fugitive.

John Paul Jones won a major victory for the Russian navy against the ______.
    A. French            B. British            C. Turks              D. Spanish
A  B  C  D  
You can conclude from this passage that Jones was ______.
    A. thoughtful         B. fearful            C. kind               D. courageous
A  B  C  D  
The passage is basically a ______.
    A. biography of John Paul Jones
    B. criticism of John Paul Jones
    C. history of the United States Navy
    D. comparison of the American and Russian navies
A  B  C  D  
"Desperate" means ______.
    A. in great need      B. reckless           C. hopeless            D. skillful
A  B  C  D  

Students should be allowed to study without worrying about grades. Fortunately, most educators are becoming aware of the fact that students have different interests and abilities. However, the discipline resulting from grades still exists. Grades often cut down creativity. Competing for better grades causes many students to turn down opportunities to pursue music, dramatics and sports. Grades impose a subjective standard of success on everyone. 1 do not demand as some extremists do, that grades be ended immediately. However, ! do believe that less emphasis should be placed on grades. I hope that someday grades will become optional at Village High School.
                                                           Magdalena Smith, President
                                                                   Drama Club
   Let's face the facts about grades. Grades perform three basic functions.  First, grades motivate students to work at their highest level of competence. Second, they act as a reward for hardworking students and as a scolding to students who do not work hard. Finally, grades are used as an effective standard by which to measure student achievement. Good grades help students to get jobs and to get in-to university, I've spoken with a number of students who have jobs, and most of them say that they were hired primarily on the basis of their grades. My grades helped me land a part-time job and will help me get into university next year. I think grades are extremely important at Village High School.
                                                               Simon Harper, Member,
                                                                    Science Club

Simon Harper writes from the viewpoint of someone who______.
     A. wants business to hire more students
     B. believes in the benefits of good grades
     C. is concerned about students' creativity
     D. supports students' interests and abilities
A  B  C  D  
Magdalena Smith thinks it is important for______.
     A. students to get good jobs
     B. students to participate in music, dramatics, and sports
     C. students to compete more for grades
     D. educators to have more control over grades
A  B  C  D  
Which of the following states a fact about grades at Village High School?
     A. They are not useful.                      B. They foster unnecessary competition.
     C. They should be optional.                 D. They are currently in use.
A  B  C  D  
The two letters are probably writing to______.
    A. an advertisement company                B. an administration office
    C. a school newspaper                     D. a travel agency
A  B  C  D  
Ⅴ Daily Conversation
Directions: Pick out five appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
A. Hardly ever.                         B. No wonder you look so well.
C. Follow my advice.                   D. I'm sure.
E. Do you want to go with me?       F. Right on!
G. Have a nice day.                    H. That's too bad.
Peter: My doctor says I'm a little overweight.
Alison:  (55)   Do you get physical exercises?
Peter:  (56)   I like sports, but I never have time.
Alison: Don't make any excuses(借口). If you really want to, you'll find time to do it.
Peter:  (57)   Do you exercise every day?
Alison: Yes, I play tennis every afternoon. And I'm a member of the local health club.
Peter:  (58)  .
Alison: I'm playing tennis tomorrow afternoon.  (59)  .
Peter: I wish I could. But I have an important meeting.

Ⅵ Writing
Directions: For this part, you are supposed to write a letter in English in 100-120 words based on the following situation. Remember to write it clearly.